- 2017
Abstract: Rapid urbanization, increase in population and unemployment has a great effect on society and as aconsequence seems to have caused unawareness to earth sciences. However, increasing demand on waterand energy, natural disasters, climate changes and sustainable development still keeps humankind dependon nature. This discrepancy can be avoided by utilizing new initiatives in both education and applications to increase public attention to earth sciences. We hereby present Cultural Geology and Geological Heritageas new initiatives of earth sciences. Cultural Geology, aim to explain all natural phenomenon (such asclimate, geography, environment, landform, water and sea level changes and raw material sources) whichhave had effected human activity from the dawn of the species until recent. Briefly study the geologicalprocesses that drive the cultural development. It is proposed by Turkish Scientists, for the first time, as anew education and research topic. Geological Heritage, can be defined as artefacts of the evolution of theearth and a perfect example of geopark and geotourism applications, also can be regarded as valuableassets for nature protection and sustainable development. Turkey has a significant potential for bothCultural Geology and Geological Heritage.
Abstract: The morphology of Göllüdağ Volcanic Complex (Central Anatolia) and close surroundings has beenshaped with continuous volcanism from Miocene to Latest Pleistocene and following erosional processes.The site comprises numerous geosites formed of morphological elements (asidic domes, obsidian flow/dyke structures, scoria cones and maar) and also differentiated volcanic products (pyroclastites and lavaflows) which can be classified according to the framework list of Turkey. Göllüdağ has been subject todetailed geological investigation focusing on the properties of volcanism and also the chronology.Göllüdağ is also a well-known source of obsidian and was occupied by prehistoric activity.Göllüdağ obsidian had been widely exploited during Paleolithic and Neo-Chalcolithic for producingvarious chipped tools with increasing expertise. These tools were dispersed through the Middle Eastand Levant also even to the Cyprus especially during the Neo-Chalcolithic. Within the study area, a vastnumber of obsidian workshops accompany geological sites. For these reasons, Göllüdağ is protected asan archeological site of 1st and 3rd degrees, on the other hand, destruction related with the fast expansionand infrastructure construction within the recent settlements endanger these sites.In this study, we will focus on the relationships geological sites formed by volcanism and erosionalprocesses to reveal the significance of Göllüdağ as a geological/cultural heritage site and introducegeoroutes for recreational and scientific trips.
Abstract: Hasankeyf, a district of Batman, is positioned near Tigris river, assigned as protected area and consistshundreds of residents which are located in carved rocks. Although, Hasankeyf has lost its importancetoday, it was containing many civilizations, culture and knowledge in the region before. Hasankeyf isunique since, geologic and geomorphologic structure has been used wisely in accordance with todaysconditions. Firstly, defense of the premises had a crucial role while Hasankeyf had been shaped. Carvedrocks in there, sheltered thousands of people within a complex organization. Not only the geomorphologic structure, but also the characteristics of rocks have an effect on the generation of carved rock settlements.Hasankeyf should be considered as a cultural geologic heritage owing to, the magnificent appearanceof carved rock settlements, the richness of geologic-geomorphologic elements and their effects on thesettlements continuity.
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Abstract: As understood from the artifacts found in the archaeological excavation areas, the obsidian belongingto the volcanic areas of the Eastern Anatolian Region spread to a very wide area by being traded inprehistoric times. For this reason, it is important to carry out a study on obsidian diffusion and volcanicgeomorphological features in the Eastern Anatolia Region.In this study, the importance of volcanological and geomorphological indicators in thedetermination of obsidian sources is given by examplifying field studies with geomorphological andgeological approaches in the volcanic areas of Eastern Anatolia RegionThe basic characteristics of obsidian (color, texture, durability, hardness, etc.) presence, quantityand availability as raw materials are closely related with volcanic and geomorphological processes.For example; The chemical and physical properties of the obsidian appear largely under the control ofvolcanism. Magmatic processes play an important role in the spread of the obsidian surface areas andin the formation types (dom, dyke, flow, etc.). The presence of obsidian in a volcanic massif is the resultof volcanism, but at the same time, its continuation in the same area later also depends on the type andseverity of the entire erosion process. Namely, the next volcanic activity and or erosional processes in thevolcanic area may cause the obsidian to fossilize or be completely eroded and destroyed. In addition, thiskind of effect also changes the presence and proportion of obsidian in the colluvial and alluvial materialknown as secondary sources on the area.
Abstract: Environment and environmental systems have memories which become heritages common to severalcivilizations. The river and valley systems at Diyarbakır are such a heritage, which is now part of theUNESCO List of Natural and Cultural World Heritage. This heritage now depends today; first on ourdecisions and deeds, but also on the history of the system Dynamics which impacts the dynamics of theriver whatever we do to it. This history is recorded in the terraces stretching along the river flood plain,and in the relationships between the river and the substratum that it incises. In 2014 and 2015, we investigated two areas related to the recent evolution of the river: (i) theHevsel gardens, which correspond to river terraces stepping at the foot of the city walls (right bank) and ofthe University (left bank); (ii) alluvial deposits downstream the Diyarbakır gorges, where right-bank fromthe Karacadağ converge towards the Tigris. Our first results provide new insights in the recent evolutionof the Tigris valley and River. Enlightening the impact of long-term dynamics onto the present evolutionof the landforms and onto the rivers future, they directly address the management and preservation of theHevsel Gardens and Tigris River valley in the Diyarbakır area.
Abstract: Başkale region is located in the basin of Lake Van. The geology and geomorphology of the area are oneof the most important factors in controlling it settled in the region with many extinct civilization developerand ongoing activities of life. Advanced many different places as a result of geological processes inherited members can be apparent at Başkale Region. Some of these sites are formed by volcanic or tectonicprocesses where the most are of travertine formations. The fissure ridge and terrace type travertines areclearly observed in this region.Neogene-Quaternary volcanic rocks forming the Vanadocia Volcanic Complex (VVA) are locatedin the northeast of Başkale region. VVA is covers an area of 55 km2 and express a vast badland topographywith countless fairy chimneys.In this study, geology and stratigraphy within the Başkale region will be explained and relatedwith the geoheritage and cultural heritage sites of ancient civilizations.
Abstract: Rock, mineral, fossil associations, structure, geological section, landforms or a part of land which theyrepresent current or former geological process, event or a specialty is defined geosite. Some geologicunits containing fossil associations and outcropping along Hasanağa Stream located in the northwest ofAkçadağ which is a settlement of Malatya city in Eastern Anatolia Region, is seen as a good example tothis definition.The age of the geological units that outcrop along Hasanağa Stream ranges from Mesozoic toQuaternary. Diversity of Tertiary sedimentary units along Hasanağa Stream is represented by Korgantepe,Yenice and Asartepe members of Eocene Darende Formation, Oligocene Muratlı Formation and LowerMiocene Alibonca Formation. The geological units constitute a regular sequence range from Lutetianto Oligocene in Hasanağa Stream. Their abundant larger benthic foraminifera such as Nummulites,Alveolina and Discocyclina are the subject of this study and they have been evaluated within the scope ofgeological heritage.Along the Hasanağa stream also, there are many caves having traces of life in some of them, onboth sides of the valley, in different sizes. Diversity of larger benthic foraminifera and karstic formationsincreases the scientific importance of the district.
Abstract: As the core elements of geologic protection; Geological Heritage and Geoparks can be considered asthe practical ways for expressibility of the physical environment to people and community, on which theyhave been spending their life. The natural disasters are the most widespread consequence of unknownenvironment. On the other hand, structuring as the consequence of fast increasing population and thediversifying raw material consumption cause destruction of the nature and give rise to disappearance ofGeological Heritage which are reference legibilitys for the past of the Earth. The disappearance of these wealth makes the understanding of the Earth extremely difficult. Dealing with geoparks and geologicalheritage involve partial education which has to be the adult people occupation. The awareness forprotection of the nature is practiced in the developed countries by commencing prior to school educationand taught in primary and high school levels, which is realistic and perdurable. The syllabus of lessonssuch as science, environment, life, biology, geography etc. are enriched in accordance with the objectiveand there are also specific lessons on these topics. In order to identify the status of our country with thisrespect, the lessons and their syllabus of primary and secondary schools are investigated. The conclusionsare far-off from being hopeful where the concepts of geologic protection, geopark and GeologicalHeritage do not exist even as vocabulary in the syllabus.
Abstract: The coasts of Turkey are losing their natural properties due to increasing anthropogenic pressure. Thecoasts of Kandıra district of Kocaeli province, which is the focus of this study, have protected its naturalbeauty from these processes until now. The study area is located between Pınarlı village on the west andBabalı village on the east, and its total longshore is 65 km together with the Kefken Islands coasts. Themain aim of this study is to stress the educational tourism potantial of Kandıra coasts which have significantgeological and geomorphological properties and to protect them for next generations in accordance with sustainable utilization principles. For this purpose, we detailed an undergraduate geography courseabout coastal geomorphology with selected forms from the study area. We realized the field works onthe summer months of 2014 and 2015, and examined the literature simultaneously during the study. Thereare many and different typical coastal forms in the study area. Some of these already have a high touristattraction. If the study area gains a protected status like a geopark, all of the coastal geosites will beprotected and the local residents will benefit more from this wealth through tourism.
Abstract: Study area is located within the North Anatolian Fault Zone which has a length of 1200 kilometers andone of the most important active strike-slip fault zones in the world. This fact caused formation of naturallakes, morphotectonic structures, canyons and valleys as a result fault activity. Fault-controlled Niksarpull-apart basin, Efkerit valley, Luvi temple, Sisma cave, travertines, Dilimkaya canyon, Ayvaz mineralwater, fault-controlled young volcanic rocks, came in light to be suggested as geoheritage. In this study,these sites and nearby locations have been studied from geological point of view in detail and aimed todraw attention of the researchers and local authorities this regions historical, cultural sides and alsocreate awareness to the geological heritage and bring these area as an alternative for geotourism.